depression? motivational speeches?

Hello, I was going to post the second part of our trip but I couldn't get myself to writing it. I wasn't going to do this, write personal feelings especially that this isn't only my blog alone. But I felt like theres a lot of people out there feeling the exact same I feel.

How depression feels. Cred:twitter

I feel depressed. I have felt depressed for quite a while. Not the usual sadness before bedtime or the sad feeling everyone's turned into a mainstream on twitter lately. No. A I've been feeling crap for weeks now, I feel useless, hopeless, helpless, lonely, weird, anxious kinda feeling. For more than like day or two. To some people it may seem as attention seeking or as me exaggerating but to be fair, you'll never know how someone's feeling unless you're in their same situation or them, so don't judge.
Now I obviously have my personal reasons and really mainly if I say them they'll sound like not a big deal and they probably aren't anyway but still.
Also I'd like to add it's one of the reasons why o decided to make a YouTube channel but it kinda added a little stress and anxiety. And, I'm obviously not sure if I do have depression but I'm sure it feels like depression.

But again, I'm not really here to talk about me. If you're feeling sad or depressed believe me I understand how it feels. Also if you have anxiety it's said to be a normal symptom that comes with depression. And even after everything I just said which sounds dreadful I'm sure, I want you to read the following sentences with a smile on your face. Promise me. Even if it's a fake one just go on do it, for yourself.

You aren't perfect, we're all made out of a bunch of flaws, no one gets everything they want but again you have what other people want, you are you, you can't change that even if you do all the operations in the world, be happy, you're lovely, someone, whether one friend or two, siblings, parents, family members, someone does love you, even if you don't see it it's true, just realize the little things that show their affection. Also, if you let out your feelings people won't pity you, they'll help you over come this sadness and rough times and remind you again why you're perfect being you! Think about all the good memories, no matter who it was with or when. Write down all the bad memories on a paper or the things that have caused you pain or sadness and rip that thing up and throw it away. Along with everything related to it.

So you do you. 
Remember it's alright to cry. Tears remind you you're alive. 
As said by Ed Sheeran.
We're all human after all no matter how pretty or strong or tough we look or are. 

I truly want you to feel better.
Cry, sing, dance, do whatever makes you feel happier. We're too young to feel depressed or sad.
Too young to lose our youth on a bad illusion that we created ourselves.
Leave your smartphone or laptop and go do what you gotta do.

If you want leave comments on whatever you want. If there is anyone reading this. If you want to blurt out your feelings then please do I wouldn't mind reading two whole pages about it anyway.
Also I promise we post a lot more happier stuff than this, this is just a one timer so if you want follow us. And share this around maybe it can help at least one person :).

Until next time. Have fun. Stay safe. Cherio.

-N x